I love the feeling of the new school year. I'm more experienced. I've read more. I've thought more. Now I'm ready to apply. Here are a couple of pics of my new bulletin boards. I've been experimenting with my crafty side. The Red and Black is a makeshift blog. Our county filter "errs on the side of caution" so blogs, Flickr, Delicious, and of course MySpace are all out. So I decided to make a manual blog. The right side of the board is filled with quotations from the likes of Aristotle, Plato, Thoreau, Uncle Walt, W., Bubba Clinton, Reagan and even Chris Rock. The caption READ, REFLECT, REFEREE and REACT was stolen from my brother who may have stolen it from someone else. But that's the way these days. The white poster board is divided into 3 X 5 squares in which students can respond to the question and to each other's responses. The first question is "Do you think George W. is a good President? Why or why not?"
The Green and Yellow (Charger Gold) board is my civic action board. The quotation is from JFK's inaugural--although I'm not sure he was the first one to say it. The white pieces of paper are articles(1,2,3) in our local paper about community and civic mindedness. The patch is from when my father in law was in Kuwait, and the pictures are of Habitat for Humanity and the One Campaign.
Not sure these are revolutionary, but I've been cutting out letters and pasting and stapling all weekend. I even went to an education store and bought some border:)
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