Went to the reunion for the Crest class of 1996 last night. What a blast. It was great to see people that I haven't seen in years. It was also pretty cool getting down with my people just like it was day one.
I've been thinking about PROGRESS. That is an amazing term. Do you think that humans exhibit progress. If so is it societal? individual? both? I think about other animals and living things and it seems as if they have little purpose. I mean as far as progress goes. Ants and dogs just do what ants and dogs have always done. They don't sit around and wonder why they do those things. They don't ponder how to grow and mature. They just do. They just are.
But humans... I guess a lot of folks just do. Some maybe aren't as aware or cognizant of their purpose or of progress. Maybe they're just good at putting that question out of their minds, because it does tend to bring about anxiety at certain junctures.
This train of thought crept up while I was walking and trying to figure out why what I do is meaningful. I mean beyond job skills and the obvious. What can I do that will truly impact life.
I guess as soon as I figure it all out, I'll let you know.